Look ma, two hands...for another week?

That about sums it up. Ari is getting more active, more independent, more capable and that personality is beaming through. Yay! He managed to wriggle out of his IV enough last night that they took it out of his right arm this morning. They weren't using it anymore, just keeping it around in case it was needed. Ari was sure happy to have both hands and arms back again.

And we might be around here for another week. Well darn!

Ari's feeds aren't going so well, and now rather than a few days, they are saying a discharge of next Friday is looking more likely. Even with applesauce or honey-thickened milk, he is having a lot of silent aspiration. That basically means that he's not coughing or choking, so we can't tell there's an issue, but he's not swallowing well and instead, the food/milk is going into his lungs. That's no good. So while I'm anxious for him to get home, I want him to be safe and well and likely to stay that way once we get there....so we will wait.

Meanwhile, he got physical therapy today. This is Abby with Ari.

And Uncle Dave comes to sit with Ari most nights after work. Yes, Ari stood up all on his own in that crib. You can tell they are good buddies.

I haven't gotten away much from the hospital lately so still no videos, but they'll get posted eventually.

Love to all,
