On the same page

So today was another good day. As Ari continued to regain strength and personality by the bucketload every day, we and the healthcare team all got moving in the same direction.

Late last week as they were starting to work with Ari on feeding, they started with formula feeds and applesauce. It made sense. Well, as I'd posted before, no speech therapists over the weekend, but we did get one on Monday. However, we realized something was very amiss when they asked us to do a 2 am bottle feeding last night. Sean said no. Actually Sean said, "I'm not doing it." Why in the world would we want to START giving our 2 year old a bottle in the middle of the night.

The new attending doc, Dr. Latch, agreed this morning. She said they had been looking at him as if he's a baby but he's not. So we tried him on a toddler diet for lunch. He did reasonably well. He couldn't chew up bits of solid food but did fine with the purees. So they stopped the tube feeds, and he's strictly on a pureed diet. We structure his foods like he normally gets - breakfast, lunch and dinner with snacks and milk and we order whatever we want for him. He's still not a fan of the honey-thickened milk or formula so this may be our end of milk days.

Ari ate well tonight. He ate everything he liked (NOT the pureed cheese pizza). Docs will assess in the morning, and if they are satisfied, they will pull out Ari's NG tube. I'm guessing we'll be staying another day for observation, but as far as they are concerned, if he can eat enough on his own, he gets to go home.

Going home! Yes! It's gonna happen!

Meanwhile, he's charming everyone who walks in his room here with his smiles, laughs and flirts. It's very good to have my boy back.

Love to all,


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