A great summer

So many great things to report since I last blogged.

Ari is 4 point crawling.
Ari is walking long distances with 2-hand support and short distances with 1-hand.
Ari is walking around the house with a walker toy.
Ari is standing up in the middle of a room with no support.
Ari is crawling up stairs without falling down.
Ari is getting a couple of teeth on the bottom. One is erupted, the other is going to any day now.
Ari is doing great in his speech and occupational therapies - recognizing body parts, feeding with utensils, following directions, etc.

This video is way too long - can't pull up the short version right now, but you get the idea. Ari is firmly in charge of his mobility now...and this was at least 3 weeks ago!

The scientist part of me knows it's impossible to say what gets credit for all this great stuff - maybe it's nothing we've been doing, maybe it's all we've been doing, but my gut says our efforts are helpful. Ari has great therapists and teachers at Easter Seals. That is nothing new and boy, they are really great and very special to us. But we are also seeing everything promised by Dr. Pierson, the naturopath, if his thyroid levels got optimized. He's getting teeth, less mottling, hitting developmental milestones and even moving through minor sniffles without getting really sick. The latter is probably due to efforts other than the new thyroid medicine, and the physical milestones are also probably helped along by me being better about getting him to the chiropractor regularly - I usually see a difference with that but have a hard time getting him there...but wow...whatever it is, it is great to see him doing so well, and I'm extremely grateful to all his teachers, therapists and the other moms I rely on to help me find new and better ways to take care of him and support his health.

We have a lot to celebrate.

Not the least of which is the fact that Ari will never have a need for problem solving opportunities with his sister around. Wow - how they love each other!

And this week, we move into a house without stairs. Now, there's a part of me - that mom part that is a great cheerleader for developmental milestones - that's sad Ari will no longer be practicing stair climbing every day. But that mom safety first part of me couldn't be more thrilled that I will no longer be turning around with heart racing to find him halfway up a staircase trying to sit down. It's a tradeoff...no stairs on the new house, but Ari will have lots of flat room to cruise and finally have a yard to play in. I am so excited.

And just in case you're wondering, this has been a pretty great summer for Rowan. She turned 5, had a super-awesome Ninja Turtle birthday party, started taking taikwondo (was not on my radar at all, but she LOVES it) and is about to go to arts camp. And meeting up with dad on the summer job sites definitely has perks.

Here's to good health and good times!

Love to all,



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