The world is my obstacle course

Well, I'm scared to say it, but Ari is going on 2+ weeks without illness. It feels like I'm flying. I'm such an up and down kind of person, I get sooooo excited when things are going well, and then soooo distraught when things take a turn. Yes, my life always feels like a rollercoaster.

But the good side of that is that I'm just way excited Ari is doing well.

We've got some interesting milestones to report:
1. Ari ate 2 slices of a golden delicious apple, compliments of his Uncle. Ari has teeth. He can chew. But we have not previously fed him anything this solid because his chewing skills are there, but not superstrong...but this was a big deal!

2. Ari climbed the stepladder out of the blue. Just 2 steps but they are 2 steps with a lot of distance between them and he used both legs while pulling with his upper body. This video isn't the best. He shocked me by doing it on his own the first time and this was about the 4th time I asked him to repeat it for video purposes, so aside from him starting to get a little tired, I'm still worried he's gonna fall so I'm filming and spotting...but here it is.

3. And then tonight, for some reason, he got into a chair by putting his hands on the siderail, then throwing his chest on the chair, arching his back and lifting his legs up almost above his head and then throwing them down and popping his hips out such that he landed on the chair on his knees. I've never seen such crazy gymanstics, but it was impressive. I did not have a camera and the next time he just crawled into it the normal way...but dang....I don't even know what to make of it except the dude is strong.

4. Ari is expanding his dance routine. He loves to dance, but for the longest time he has used mostly his upper body. He's now started moving his lower body. And I'm not sure what they were doing at his preschool today, but tonight he kept putting his hands above his head and twirling like a ballerina. It was odd, but he loved it. So I guess we are adding twirling and marching to the list of milestones:)

Love to all,

